Monday, February 2, 2009

Scotia Bank Wacky Whore

possible political strategies to deal with crazy people in canada:
1)send them all to mental hospitals until they are sane
2)send them all to camps in the interior and let them be crazy there.
3)grow to tolerate their craziness
4)ignore them and make them feel like outcasts
5) a different version of number 2 except send them to live on icebergs in the arctic.

Last night i was getting my rent money from Scotia Bank. This very eloquent British woman began talking to me from the ATM next to mine. She looked quite normal and i assumed she was intelligent because of her accent. She opened up the conversation with "Do you know the government controls the weather?"
I replied "what?"
she said "the government controls the weather. they send microwaves into the air and everyone is going to be getting cancer."
I said, knowing full well how conspiracy theorists think "are the build-a-burgers involved?"
"oh," she said, "so you already know about the New World Order?" At this point she warmed up to me quite a bit because she realized i wasn't a skeptic that was completely ignorant of conspiracy theories. "yes the billabergers are likely involved. but its impossible to trace them directly to the weather. the people that are really responsible are the police and the military."
I told her "i go to university and my professors are completely unwilling to enter into the pseudo sciences. if what you are saying is true, then either my professors are lying to me to hide the truth, or my professors are completely ignorant of reality. which one do you think it is?"

Unfortunately she didn't have a response to this. If i had to choose a policy option for her it would be a combination of 3 and 4. the lady obviously had no university education. and because of this she doesn't know how to sift through bad sources and has ended up using unreliable website to form her understanding of the political reality. she asked me to do a search in google for "military's pandoras box" and guaranteed me that a University of Ottawa professor was writing articles on the weather manipulation... i didn't find any evidence of this when i checked out the site.

I believe that this lady is not insane. she is unable to understand reality in a healthy fashion. She is old and bored with how this country works. It is partly stephen harper to blame for being so boring that people are forced to buy into science fiction accounts of politics rather than except the true blandness of the canadian political system. but the problem with this lady is that she really demands to be taken seriously. she really wanted to convince me of her reality. she wouldn't stop talking to me even when i told her my friend was waiting in the car. and then when i ran to my car the lady ran after me to hand me a piece of paper with the website that she wanted me to check out. she almost got in the car with me. does anybody know why this lady demands to be taken so seriously? why can't she just think these thoughts without talking about them?


Graham said...

I strongly believe that the politically boring atmosphere in Canada is the key reason for an increase in pseudo science and all around morons out there today.

Anyways, in my opinion, it's never okay, and they should all be sent to kelowna to die. There's certainly no other reason I would go back to Kelowna. It may seem ridiculous, but chain reactions from one persons stupidity can cost lives. Fuck her, lock her up, and remove her accent as punishment (I bet she was from surrey and faking it anyway)

Unknown said...

i think we should send all the crazy people to steinbach,manitoba. that way they will have to deal with hardcore christians. The culture clash would be hilarious. imagine all the christians being told that they are being lied to, but not by god, moreso by the evil government and military.

Graham said...

Actually, steinback is populated almost exclusively my menonites, my grandma lives about an hour from there in Middlebro

Graham said...

*by menonites