Friday, February 6, 2009

The Medium is the Message

The medium is the message

Yes it’s all about the media

Not the content on the Googles

CNNs and wikipedias

It’s about electricity.

Just like McLuhan said

Why do you think they call it power?

It’s all extensions of our heads

Accelerating cultures

‘Till they transform or get devoured

Yes our brains give shape to

Commodity chains

‘Mass’ media for the masses

It’s the new gospel truth

Whether communist or fascist

Propaganda has a use

Compressing time and space

With internet and computers

Can you create more change

With a blog or a six shooter?

1 comment:

Graham said...

You can create more change with a six shooter for the same reason michaelangelo's David causes more of a change in room full of paintings. The more dimensions something occupies the more tangible the message. Blogs occupy arguably 3 dimensions. You have the obvious 2D nature of the medium, and you also have the time it takes to understand the message. You have all of this in a gunshot, plus the added dimension of it being an actual object creating an actual effect. 4 dimensions. It occupies space, carries a message, is a time-based event, and is viewable as a tableau if you happen to be nearby.