We call ourselves civilized, however, I would rather call ourselves tamed. We are beasts of a great circus that is run by beasts. We, the people, are as a great and mighty lion, yet we are whipped and starved into a broken dependency upon our master – the ring leading lion tamer. Generations roll by and our offspring are born into the circus subservient and captives to their masters. They accept life in their cages; denied of the truth and freedom of the natural world. To the broken and caged lions, life is the circus; there is no other way to live. They do not know that they could eat and drink freely under a shelter that is free of bars. They do not know that freedom lies in their mouths every night when the tamer is selling his show. They do not know that the tamer has no show without his lion. They do not know that freedom lies in their mouths every night when the tamer sells his show. They do not know that they have the freewill and power to bite the hand that feeds. They do not know that they hold freedom in their mouths when the lion tamer is selling his show. They do not know that they can feed themselves. We, the people, are as a mighty lion, yet we are whipped and starved into a broken dependency upon our master.
Such a fitting picture for your post. Freedom in their mouths, yes. Free speech shouldn't just be a right but an obligation!
Not only free speech, but also freedom to accrue the basic needs of life without being taught to think that everything should be under the lock and key of the 'masters' of society. Maybe we, the people, need to bite down on the neck of our 'masters.'
but what does that look like practically speaking.. you have people typically dependent on a narrow specialization for a job and kids mouths to feed.. how will they provide for their family.. also, most people don't know the first thign about hunting, fishing or agriculture, so they are reliant on this elaborate system of distribution for their daily needs.. and look at the electrical companies and the amount of control they have without people even realizing it.. It gives a whole new meaning to the word power. We are so incapable of being self sufficient at this point people couldn't rebel even if they wanted to .. we need to learn skills of survival so that we don't need the system to provide for us. What say you?
I say, in your opinion, that we are then doomed slaves that are digging our own graves. Is that what you say? Is there no other way to utilize and use the vast wealth of knowledge and technology that we have and apply it to society in a utilitarian sense? Why must people go hungry when there is an overabundance of food at the local grocery store that expires because not enough people can afford to buy more? Seems redundant. Why must people, families, not be able to have a shelter in this world? How does one own the world exactly? Pretty soon, it won't even matter who is selling what; people are a instinctive animal. When it comes to survival in the 21st century, your own meat is going to be up for grabs. We either bite the hand that feeds or become the food of our masters.
Just tell me that you have considered current power structures and have considered what it would look like in real life to bite our masters.. what should we bite and if our masters suffer.. do they die or just become more humane? Also are you aware that part of why we have an abundance of food and technology is because of incentives like money to produce these things? Can people motivate themselves to produce all these great things without the incentive of money? Who would want to feed the world and supply them with technology if they we not rewarded on some way.. ? I'm not saying there are not people out there who would, but I need feedback here because some are working very hard to provide for people and part of the reward is an incentive like money. Again it comes back to distribution.. yes we have a lot of food.. but to distribute it accordingly to people who are starving but who might not be able to pay the value of the food on the world market seems like it would not be rational according to economist.. sure we could send some over and call it foreign aid but have you considered what it would mean practically speaking to feed the world? Are we talking about a global welfare state? If so count me in and we don't even have to call it a state but it would have to be pretty friggin organized in order to feed the world, don't you think?
The analogy is about an animal that has become dependent on a reality that was shaped by its master. We, who have been born into our capitalist, consumerist, materialist, and fascist society are taught to believe that our current means of dependence on the all powerful infrastructure, and those who run it, will be our only salvation. We are taught that this is the only option that we have. What is unrealistic is the idea that we will be saved by our current commercial, economic and productive, means for survival. The world's population is already unsustainable on a global level. With that population growing exponentially, that sustainability problem will only get worse and affect us a little closer to home. In a capitalistic scenario, scarcity drives up prices. Our basic means for survival are becoming scarce. Sure we could create money out of thin air, making our money worthless, or loan out debts that are never going to be paid off, causing the rich to own more of what is already scarce - but isn't this what is already proving to be a failing system - hence the 'world economic crisis.'
In the not so far off future, we will be faced with questioning how we are going to survive in a peak-resource world. Large-scale infrastructure will collapse, but new local infrastructure will prevail. Mr. Mantilope discussed ‘city-states.’ I feel that this is the future: local community city-states that trade in goods and ideas within a network of other city-states. Why do we even need currency? A way to monitor and keep records of goods and production for local survival is in order, sure, but currency itself is questionable. The motivation of survival will be all that is needed – a common factor that will unite the people. Quality of life will come naturally afterwards.
Humans are smart, we have amazing technological wonders, and we have a natural tendency towards benevolence (well, the majority anyways). We need to assess what is our true reality and see through the illusion of reality that is, and has been, ingrained into our brains for generations by the ringmasters and lion-tamers who have manipulated and controlled, what I will call, our life-vision.
As for transitioning into a new life-vision, the ringleaders won’t go down without a fight, but “you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.”
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