Fighting for personal justice: Its represented in the movie poster where bond is using the AK47 as his 'weapon of choice' instead of the MI6 assigned Walther PPK and lets the viewer know that bond will going renegade if you watch this movie! Bond is typically an instrument of the state, but in this movie he fights a battle for personal reasons in the face of opposing American and British Itelligence Services. It goes to show how "revenge" and"truth" must be won by the heroe with the most virtu. Bond is sumultaneously fighting a battle where he is extracting revenge for his lovers death, while attempting to discover if his lover truly loved him. If he gives into the demands of his boss (the british government) he'll never know the truth. The movie asks the viewer to fight for truth in the face of one's own authorities. It is an excellent movie for the revolution. Viva la revolution!
You always seem to get so much meaning from James Bond movies, i wonder what Ian Flemming would think
Ian Fleming would want revolution as long as there was Bond Girls there
There's a second-hand quote i stole from Douglas Adams: "Ian Flemming was certainly literary, but no one would accuse him of writing literature" which is totally true. He has mastered the english language, but his subject matter is perpetualy underestimated
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