bush's approval rating started out pretty good. september 11th helped him out big time. most US presidents are hated by the end of their term. clinton was one of the few American presidents to still be liked when he left office, and i dont think he was over 50 percent. Americans love to build up their politicians and then tear them down via media. It happens in the celebrity world as well aka Tom cruise and britney spears (unfortunaly i think its becoming fashionable to like tom cruise again). a can obama still be liked on his way out of office or has the media built him up as the next messiah just so they can tear him down? nyways, i hope that was some food for thought.
I've been thinking a lot lately about how to seduce political science girls. Many of the girls at uvic read a lot of feminist material. Unfortunately, the feminist debates around abortion and other things are not my cup of tea. However, Judith Butler is a real cool feminist political theorist that talks about everything. chicks love her and reading her would help spark some very interesting first date conversations. If you're going to bring a political science girl home, make sure to have some judith butler on your bookshelf next to your copy of bikini babes from space. heres a link to butlers take on obama:
1 comment:
I'm not sure calling feminists "chicks" is a wise course of action, by the way. They're armed these days.
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